Cel mai bun GAI pentru interpretarea regulamentelor de joc (2024)

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Am facut un mic experiment ca sa testez cat de bune sunt in interpretarea sensului unui text cele mai populare si puternice GAI-uri.

Testul la care m-am gandit a fost sa incarc un regulament al unui joc de societate si sa le pun o intrebare la care nu se poate raspunde prin cautarea raspunsului exact in text ci printr-o interpretare a regulilor astfel incat sa stii cum ar trebui aplicate intr-o situatie noua.

Le-am incarcat regulamentul oficial in format pdf al jocului “Five Tribes” si le-am pus urmatoarea intrebare: “According to this rulebook are you alowed to put a camel on a tile occupied already with a camel by someone else?” 

Cel mai corect si cuprinzator raspuns l-am primit de la Claude 3 Sonnet, urmat de ChatGPT 4o si Perplexity Pro (vezi mai jos).

Microsoft Copilot si Google Gemini nu mi-au permis incarcarea de pdf si chiar si cand le-am dat un link la regulamentul oficial pe site-ul producatorilor nu l-au deschis si mi-au dat raspunsuri inutile/gresite (vezi mai jos).

1. Claude 3 Sonnet

No, according to the rulebook you are not allowed to put your camel on a tile that is already occupied and controlled by another player’s camel. The rulebook states:

“If removing all the Meeples of this color from that Tile empties it of all its Meeples, you immediately take control of the Tile: place one of your Camels onto it to mark your ownership.”

And further clarifies:

“Note: During your moves, you can pass through Tiles already controlled by others or yourself (dropping 1 Meeple on each as you pass through). If, as part of these moves, you end up finishing your move on, and emptying, a Tile already under the control of a player from all of its Meeples again, the control of that Tile doesn’t change: it remains under the control of its previous owner. Once a player’s Camel sits on a Tile, that Tile will never change ownership.”

So you can only place your camel on an unoccupied tile that you have emptied of all meeples during your move. If a tile already has another player’s camel on it, control never changes to you even if you empty it of all meeples again.

2. ChatGPT 4o

According to the rulebook for “Five Tribes,” once you place a camel on a tile to mark your control, that tile remains under your control for the rest of the game. Even if the tile is emptied of all its meeples again, the control does not change. Thus, you cannot place a camel on a tile that is already occupied by someone else’s camel​​.

3. Perplexity Pro 

According to the rulebook, once a player’s Camel sits on a Tile, that Tile will never change ownership. This means that you cannot place a Camel on a Tile that is already occupied by a Camel belonging to another player.

4. Microsoft Copilot

In the game of Five Tribes, when you take control of a tile, you can place a camel on it. However, the rules do not specify whether you can place a camel on a tile that already has a camel from another player1. Generally, in board games, once a player has claimed a tile or territory, it is usually not allowed for another player to place their piece in the same spot. But to be sure, I would recommend checking the specific rules of the game or any FAQs provided by the game publisher. If you’re playing in a group, you could also agree on a house rule for this situation. Please note that this information is based on the general rules of Five Tribes and may not apply to all versions or expansions of the game. Always refer to your game’s specific rulebook for the most accurate information.

5. Google Gemini

I can’t definitively say whether the rulebook allows stacking camels based on the provided link. The document appears to be the rulebook for “7 Wonders Duel”, but the section regarding camel placement might not be on the included page.

Here are some suggestions to find the answer:

– Search the rulebook for “camel stacking” or “camel placement”. You can use the find function (Ctrl+F on PC) to look for these terms.

– Look for a section on caravan mechanics, as camels are often used for caravans in the game.

– If the digital version isn’t helpful, try searching online forums or communities dedicated to “7 Wonders Duel” for discussions about camel placement.

– If you’re still unable to find the answer, you can consider contacting the game publisher, Asmodee, for clarification.

Sunt un consultant de afaceri cu 25 de ani de experiență în multinaționale IT și un pasionat jucător de jocuri de societate, care din 2020 sprijină activ comunitatea și industria jocurilor de societate din România.


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